HBO Media Relations - Win…/Spring 1995 Programming
HBO Media Relations Winter and Spring 1995 Programming Vol 1.1.iso
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Text File
519 lines
global gFairyTalesList, gCitizenXList, gFiddlersList, gTysonList
global gHitlerList, gDMillerList, gTheatricalsList, gExecutivesList, gLogosList
global theCast, gTempList, gSectionName, gQTSprite
on startmovie
repeat with i = (the number of cast "HB") to (the number of cast "bm")
set the textstyle of cast i to "plain"
end repeat
set gQTSprite = 4
set gFairyTalesList = []
set gCitizenXList = []
set gFiddlersList = []
set gTysonList = []
set gHitlerList = []
set gDMillerList = []
set gTheatricalsList = []
set gExecutivesList = []
set gLogosList = []
on SwapButton -- spritenum, script to execute, sound script
if Rollover(2) then Flashroller(2,"FairyTales","theMainButton")
if Rollover(3) then Flashroller(3,"CitizenX","theMainButton")
if Rollover(4) then Flashroller(4,"Fiddlers","theMainButton")
if Rollover(5) then Flashroller(5,"TYSON","theMainButton")
if Rollover(6) then Flashroller(6,"Hitler","theMainButton")
if Rollover(7) then Flashroller(7,"DMiller","theMainButton")
if Rollover(8) then Flashroller(8,"Theatricals","theMainButton")
if Rollover(9) then Flashroller(9,"Executives","theMainButton")
if Rollover(10) then Flashroller(10,"Logos", "theMainButton")
if Rollover(11) then Flashroller(11,"thequit", "Quitsound")
if Rollover(12) then Flashroller(12, "help1","HelpSound")
on swapbutton2 -- spritenum, script to execute, sound script
if Rollover(11) then Flashroller(11,"theQuit","Quitsound")
if Rollover(12) then Flashroller(12,"RETURN1","theMainButton")
if Rollover(13) then Flashroller(13,"PICTURES", "thePictureSound")
if Rollover(14) then Flashroller(14,"VIDEO", "Videosound")
if Rollover(15) then Flashroller(15,"FairyTales","theMainButton")
if Rollover(16) then Flashroller(16,"CitizenX","theMainButton")
if Rollover(17) then Flashroller(17,"Fiddlers","theMainButton")
if Rollover(18) then Flashroller(18,"Tyson","theMainButton")
if Rollover(20) then Flashroller(20,"Hitler","theMainButton")
if Rollover(21) then Flashroller(21,"DMiller","theMainButton")
if Rollover(22) then Flashroller(22,"Theatricals","theMainButton")
if Rollover(23) then Flashroller(23,"Executives","theMainButton")
if Rollover(24) then Flashroller(24,"Logos","theMainButton")
on thequit
-- if the framelabel = "QT" THEN -- check in correct frame
-- set the movierate of sprite 2 to 0
-- set the movietime of sprite 2 to 0
-- end if
-- if soundbusy(1) = true then
-- repeat while soundbusy(1)
-- nothing
-- end repeat
-- end if
on Return1
if soundbusy(1) = true then
repeat while soundbusy(1)
end repeat
end if
puppetsprite 47, false
puppetsprite 46, false
if the castType of cast (the castNum of sprite gQTSprite) = #digitalVideo THEN
set the movierate of sprite gQTSprite to 0
-- set the movietime of sprite gQTSprite to 0
end if
if soundbusy(1) = true then
repeat while soundbusy(1)
end repeat
end if
puppetsound "Screen trans1.1"
puppettransition 51
go to frame "main"
on pictures
if soundbusy(1) = true then
repeat while soundbusy(1)
end repeat
end if
if the castType of cast (the castNum of sprite gQTSprite) <> #digitalVideo THEN
set the movierate of sprite gQTSprite to 0
puppetsound "Screen trans1.1"
if soundbusy(1) = true then
repeat while soundbusy(1)
end repeat
end if
puppetTransition 51, 8, 4, FALSE
go gSectionName
end if
on video
if soundbusy(1) = true then
repeat while soundbusy(1)
end repeat
end if
if the castType of cast (the castNum of sprite gQTSprite) = #digitalVideo THEN
if gSectionName = "Executives" then
end if
if gSectionName = "DMiller" then
end if
if gSectionName = "Logos" then
end if
if gSectionName = "Theatricals" then
end if
puppetsprite 47, false
puppetsprite 46, false
puppetsound "Screen trans1.1"
puppetTransition 51, 8, 4, FALSE
go to frame gSectionName & "QT"
end if
on sectionSet
if soundbusy(1) = true then -- wait till button pressed, do screen trans sound
repeat while soundbusy(1)
end repeat
end if
puppetsprite 47, false
puppetsprite 46, false
puppetsound "Screen trans1.1"
puppetTransition 51, 8, 4, FALSE
on FairyTales
go "FairyTales"
set the text of field "ChangeText" to field "Harry B. txt" -- reinitialize text field
if gFairyTalesList = [] then
-- If the cast number references are changed in the cast window, uncomment this
-- and generate a new set of numbers for the cast list.
-- set gFairyTalesList = ┬
-- [[(the number of cast "H020.dmo"), (the number of cast "Harry B. txt")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "H010.dmo"), (the number of cast "Jack+Beanstalk txt")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "H030.dmo"), (the number of cast "Rumpelstiltskin txt")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "H050.dmo"), (the number of cast "Denzel W. txt")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "H070.dmo"), (the number of cast "Hansel+Gretel txt")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "H090.dmo"), (the number of cast "Rosie Perez txt")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "H100.dmo"), (the number of cast "Little Red Riding...txt")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "H110.dmo"), (the number of cast "B.D. Wong txt")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "H160.dmo"), (the number of cast "Margaret Cho txt")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "H220.dmo"), (the number of cast "Buffy Saint-Marie txt")]]
set gFairyTalesList = [[101, 110], [100, 111], [102, 112], [103, 113], [104, 114], [105, 115], [106, 116], [107, 117], [108, 118], [109, 119]]
end if
set gTempList = gFairyTalesList
set gSectionName = "FairyTales"
on CitizenX
go to frame "CitizenX"
set the text of field "ChangeText" to field "CitizenXTXT 1" -- reinitialize text field
if gCitizenXList = [] then
-- If the cast number references are changed in the cast window, uncomment this
-- and generate a new set of numbers for the cast list.
-- set gCitizenXList = ┬
-- [[(the number of cast "X 010"), (the number of cast "CitizenXTXT 1")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "X 040"), (the number of cast "CitizenXTXT 2")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "X 050"), (the number of cast "CitizenXTXT 3")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "X 090"), (the number of cast "CitizenXTXT 4")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "X 130"), (the number of cast "CitizenXTXT 5")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "X 170"), (the number of cast "CitizenXTXT 6")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "X 210"), (the number of cast "CitizenXTXT 7")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "X 230"), (the number of cast "CitizenXTXT 8")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "X 240"), (the number of cast "CitizenXTXT 9")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "null_cast"), (the number of cast "null_cast")]]
set gCitizenXList = [[136, 145], [137, 146], [138, 147], [139, 148], [140, 149], [141, 150], [142, 151], [143, 152], [144, 153], [3, 3]]
end if
set gTempList = gCitizenXList
set gSectionName = "CitizenX"
on Fiddlers
go to frame "Fiddlers"
set the text of field "ChangeText" to field "FiddlersTXT 1" -- reinitialize text field
if gFiddlersList = [] then
-- If the cast number references are changed in the cast window, uncomment this
-- and generate a new set of numbers for the cast list.
-- set gFiddlersList = ┬
-- [[(the number of cast "FG 020"), (the number of cast "FiddlersTXT 1")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "FG 030"), (the number of cast "FiddlersTXT 2")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "FG 040"), (the number of cast "FiddlersTXT 3")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "FG 050"), (the number of cast "FiddlersTXT 4")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "FG 090"), (the number of cast "FiddlersTXT 5")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "FG 100"), (the number of cast "FiddlersTXT 6")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "FG 110"), (the number of cast "FiddlersTXT 7")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "FG 120"), (the number of cast "FiddlersTXT 8")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "FG 140"), (the number of cast "FiddlersTXT 9")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "null_cast"), (the number of cast "null_cast")]]
set gFiddlersList = [[169, 178], [170, 179], [171, 180], [172, 181], [173, 182], [174, 183], [175, 184], [176, 185], [177, 186], [3, 3]]
end if
set gTempList = gFiddlersList
set gSectionName = "Fiddlers"
on Tyson
go to frame "Tyson"
set the text of field "ChangeText" to field "TysonTXT 1" -- reinitialize text field
if gTysonList = [] then
-- If the cast number references are changed in the cast window, uncomment this
-- and generate a new set of numbers for the cast list.
-- set gTysonList = ┬
-- [[(the number of cast "T 010"), (the number of cast "TysonTXT 1")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "T 020"), (the number of cast "TysonTXT 2")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "T 100"), (the number of cast "TysonTXT 3")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "T 120"), (the number of cast "TysonTXT 4")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "T 140"), (the number of cast "TysonTXT 5")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "T 170"), (the number of cast "TysonTXT 6")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "T 240"), (the number of cast "TysonTXT 7")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "T 250"), (the number of cast "TysonTXT 8")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "null_cast"), (the number of cast "null_cast")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "null_cast"), (the number of cast "null_cast")]]
set gTysonList = [[204, 212], [205, 213], [206, 214], [207, 215], [208, 216], [209, 217], [210, 218], [211, 219], [3, 3], [3, 3]]
end if
set gTempList = gTysonList
set gSectionName = "Tyson"
on Hitler
go to frame "Hitler"
set the text of field "ChangeText" to field "HitlerTXT 1" -- reinitialize text field
if gHitlerList = [] then
-- If the cast number references are changed in the cast window, uncomment this
-- and generate a new set of numbers for the cast list.
-- set gHitlerList = ┬
-- [[(the number of cast "HS 020"), (the number of cast "HitlerTXT 1")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "HS 060"), (the number of cast "HitlerTXT 2")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "HS 070"), (the number of cast "HitlerTXT 3")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "HS 080"), (the number of cast "HitlerTXT 4")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "HS 090"), (the number of cast "HitlerTXT 5")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "HS 100"), (the number of cast "HitlerTXT 6")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "HS 110"), (the number of cast "HitlerTXT 7")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "HS 120"), (the number of cast "HitlerTXT 8")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "HS 130"), (the number of cast "HitlerTXT 9")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "HS 140"), (the number of cast "HitlerTXT 10")]]
set gHitlerList = [[235, 245], [236, 246], [237, 247], [238, 248], [239, 249], [240, 250], [241, 251], [242, 252], [243, 253], [244, 254]]
end if
set gTempList = gHitlerList
set gSectionName = "Hitler"
on DMiller
puppetTransition 51, 8, 4, FALSE
go to frame "DMiller"
set the text of field "ChangeText" to field "DMillerTXT 1" -- reinitialize text field
if gDMillerList = [] then
-- If the cast number references are changed in the cast window, uncomment this
-- and generate a new set of numbers for the cast list.
-- set gDMillerList = ┬
-- [[(the number of cast "DM 010"), (the number of cast "DMillerTXT 1")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "DM 030"), (the number of cast "DMillerTXT 2")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "LS 010"), (the number of cast "DMillerTXT 3")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "LS 040"), (the number of cast "DMillerTXT 4")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "LS 070"), (the number of cast "DMillerTXT 5")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "DO 010"), (the number of cast "DMillerTXT 6")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "DO 020"), (the number of cast "DMillerTXT 7")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "DO 130"), (the number of cast "DMillerTXT 8")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "null_cast"), (the number of cast "null_cast")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "null_cast"), (the number of cast "null_cast")]]
set gDMillerList = [[269, 277], [270, 278], [271, 279], [272, 280], [273, 281], [274, 282], [275, 283], [276, 284], [3, 3], [3, 3]]
end if
set gTempList = gDMillerList
set gSectionName = "DMiller"
on Theatricals
go to frame "Theatricals"
set the text of field "ChangeText" to field "TheatricalsTXT 1" -- reinitialize text field
if gTheatricalsList = [] then
-- If the cast number references are changed in the cast window, uncomment this
-- and generate a new set of numbers for the cast list.
-- set gTheatricalsList = ┬
-- [[(the number of cast "TH 030"), (the number of cast "TheatricalsTXT 1")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "TH 070"), (the number of cast "TheatricalsTXT 2")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "TH 110"), (the number of cast "TheatricalsTXT 3")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "TH 170"), (the number of cast "TheatricalsTXT 4")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "TH 200"), (the number of cast "TheatricalsTXT 5")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "TH 230"), (the number of cast "TheatricalsTXT 6")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "TH 260"), (the number of cast "TheatricalsTXT 7")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "TM 080"), (the number of cast "TheatricalsTXT 8")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "TM 090"), (the number of cast "TheatricalsTXT 9")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "TM 110"), (the number of cast "TheatricalsTXT 10")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "TM 140"), (the number of cast "TheatricalsTXT 11")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "TM 170"), (the number of cast "TheatricalsTXT 12")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "TM 210"), (the number of cast "TheatricalsTXT 13")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "TM 280"), (the number of cast "TheatricalsTXT 14")]]
set gTheatricalsList = [[297, 312], [298, 313], [299, 314], [301, 315], [302, 316], [303, 317], [304, 318], [305, 319], [306, 320], [307, 321], [308, 322], [309, 323], [310, 324], [311, 325]]
end if
set gTempList = gTheatricalsList
set gSectionName = "Theatricals"
on Executives
go to frame "Executives"
set the text of field "ChangeText" to field "ExecutivesTXT 1" -- reinitialize text field
if gExecutivesList = [] then
-- If the cast number references are changed in the cast window, uncomment this
-- and generate a new set of numbers for the cast list.
-- set gExecutivesList = ┬
-- [[(the number of cast "E010"), (the number of cast "ExecutivesTXT 1")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "E020"), (the number of cast "ExecutivesTXT 2")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "E 030"), (the number of cast "ExecutivesTXT 3")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "E 040"), (the number of cast "ExecutivesTXT 4")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "E 050"), (the number of cast "ExecutivesTXT 5")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "E060"), (the number of cast "ExecutivesTXT 6")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "E 070 "), (the number of cast "ExecutivesTXT 7")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "E080"), (the number of cast "ExecutivesTXT 8")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "E140"), (the number of cast "ExecutivesTXT 9")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "Dummy pic"), (the number of cast "ExecutivesTXT 10")]]
set gExecutivesList = [[348, 358], [349, 359], [350, 360], [351, 361], [352, 362], [353, 363], [354, 364], [355, 365], [356, 366], [357, 367]]
end if
set gTempList = gExecutivesList
set gSectionName = "Executives"
on Logos
go to frame "Logos"
set the text of field "ChangeText" to field "LogosTXT 1" -- reinitialize text field
if gLogosList = [] then
-- If the cast number references are changed in the cast window, uncomment this
-- and generate a new set of numbers for the cast list.
-- set gLogosList = ┬
-- [[(the number of cast "LG 010"), (the number of cast "LogosTXT 1")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "LG 060"), (the number of cast "LogosTXT 2")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "LG 030"), (the number of cast "LogosTXT 3")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "LG 040"), (the number of cast "LogosTXT 4")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "LG 050"), (the number of cast "LogosTXT 5")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "LG 020"), (the number of cast "LogosTXT 6")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "null_cast"), (the number of cast "null_cast")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "null_cast"), (the number of cast "null_cast")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "null_cast"), (the number of cast "null_cast")],┬
-- [(the number of cast "null_cast"), (the number of cast "null_cast")]]
set gLogosList = [[381, 387], [386, 388], [383, 389], [384, 390], [385, 391], [382, 392], [3, 3], [3, 3], [3, 3], [3, 3]]
end if
set gTempList = gLogosList
set gSectionName = "Logos"
on Help1
if soundbusy(1) = true then
repeat while soundbusy(1)
end repeat
end if
puppetsound "Screen trans1.1"
puppetTransition 51, 8, 4, FALSE
go "help"
on textSetter whichsection
-- reinitialize text field
-- if whichsection = #FairyTales then set the text of field "ChangeText" to field "Harry B. txt" end
on quitsound
puppetsound "quit"
on theMainButton
puppetsound "video2"
on HelpSound
puppetsound "help"
on Videosound
puppetsound "Main buttons"
on thePictureSound
puppetsound "pictures2"
on flashroller whichchannel, scriptoexecute, clicksound
Global flag , theLOCV
set mycast = the mousecast
set flag = 0
set the castnum of sprite whichchannel = mycast + 1
repeat while rollover(whichchannel) --repeat loop while rollover
if the mousedown then
set the castnum of sprite whichchannel = mycast + 2
repeat while the mousedown
if not rollover(whichchannel) then exit repeat -- if off, exit
end repeat
if rollover(whichchannel) then set flag = 1
do clicksound -- do first executable
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
set the castnum of sprite whichchannel = mycast
if flag then do scriptoexecute -- do second executable
on hPicturecheck
global theCast, prevCast-- rollover mouseline
repeat with x = 29 to 38
set shortList = getAt(gTempList, (x-28))
if theCast = x then hChangepict(getAt(shortlist, 1), getAt(shortList, 2))
end repeat
put theCast into prevCast
on hPicturecheckT
global theCast, prevCast-- rollover mouseline
repeat with x = 29 to 42
set shortList = getAt(gTempList, (x-28))
if theCast = x then hChangepict(getAt(shortlist, 1), getAt(shortList, 2))
end repeat
put theCast into prevCast
on hChangepict theCastnum, theText
global theCast, theLOCV
set the castnum of sprite 47 to theCastnum
set the text of field "ChangeText" to the text of field theText --change text in field
set the locv of sprite 46 to the locv of sprite theCast
put the locv of sprite theCast into theLOCV
--puppetsprite 47, false
on hBoldwords
repeat with i = 29 to 38
if rollover(i) then Flashroller2(i,"hPicturecheck")
end repeat
put theCast into prevCast
on hBoldwordsT
-- the sprite channels for titles
repeat with i = 29 to 42
if rollover(i) then Flashroller2(i,"hPicturecheckT")
end repeat
put theCast into prevCast
on flashroller2 whichchannel, scriptoexecute --handler for the text box in pict frame
Global flag2,theCast, prevCast
set mycast = the mousecast
set flag2 = 0
set the textstyle of cast mycast to "bold"
repeat while rollover(whichchannel)
if the mousedown then
set the textstyle of cast mycast to "bold,italic"
repeat while the mousedown
if not rollover(whichchannel) then exit repeat
end repeat
if rollover(whichchannel) then set flag2 = 1
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
set the textstyle of cast mycast to "plain"
put whichchannel into theCast
if flag2 then do scriptoexecute
on checkitout maxScoreFrame, whichCast
repeat with x = 1 to maxScoreFrame
go to frame x
repeat with y = 1 to 48
if the castnum of sprite y = whichCast then put "Cast" && string(whichCast) && "found in sprite"&& string(y)&&"at frame"&& string(x)
end repeat
end repeat
on bitdepther howmany
repeat with x = 1 to howmany
if the castType of cast x = #bitmap then
if the depth of cast x > 8 then put "Castmember"&& string(x)&& "has a color depth of"&& the depth of cast x
end if
end repeat
on depuppetize
repeat with x = 1 to 48
puppetsprite x, 0
end repeat